
This section is in the process of being updated so please forgive our mess. Currently we are only displaying finishers for the RAT 1000 mile version which was introduced in 2016. The first RAT was in 2014 and under 900 miles. We will update the page to include all finishers in the near future once we sort out the best way to organize that information. Most likely it will be after the 2018 season ends so that we can include those results as well.
A bit of RAT History...
This has always been a high attrition event with very few finishers of the full route.
2014 was the mud year, we tried to showcase State Parks, the Northeast Texas Trail and the Caprocks Canyons trailway.
2015 was the heat year, and also confirmed that State Parks and the trailways were not the direction to go with this event.
2016 we raised the mileage to 1000 and shifted the emphasis to using the amenities at each town along the way. Attrition was extremely high this year because riders were still trying to beat the schedules of the shorter routes from previous years.
2017 we kept it to a small group on what we hoped to be a "permanent route". I participated myself to confirm the route so we only offered the self supported option. We have made some minor tweaks to the route as a result but kept the overall mileage the same. There will likely be tweaks each year but we are confident that our permanent route will be basically the same for years to come.
2018 will be the year this page is fleshed out. We already have significantly higher registrations than 2017 all together as well as more than any previous year up to this point of the year.
Solo Self Supported
2 Person Relay East to West

First relay team to complete 4 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes

Keeping the Road Runner tradition alive!

17 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes

First relay team to complete 4 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes